вторник, 1 сентября 2009 г.

Major electronics brands looking forward to establish direct sales

Пост на английском, потому что готовил для работы. В целом должно быть все ясно.
У меня был творческий перерыв, все силы сейчас направлены на подготовку диплома и проекту "Деньги2.0". Ждите много статей про кейсы и анализ присутствия брендов в социальных медиа, исследования эффективности подобных медиа с точки зрения продаж и другие посты на смежную тематику.

Sony and Philips are main heroes of this article.
The stats are collected mainly for Sony, but Philips does similar activities.

1. Enhanced number of categories sold through e-shop
2. Decreased prices to level Internet average price + 5 % (the same way we do)
3. Established discount oriented points system:
4. Started promoting e-shop on every page of Sony.ru web-site:

5. Provided link to e-shop in Where to buy section. Sonystyle.ru is the first place which is recommended to customers.

6. Started promotion of eshop on Exibitions and on Sony events.
During Photoforum I found Sonystyle pavilion where it was possible to register as a customer and order product immediately.
7. Integtated eshop in BTL, Outdoor and Press activity.
I have only one fact for this time - it's photo attached. But I'm shure that they already integate eshop in most activities.
After checking Global news, it can be considered that this activity is worldwide and they are really oriented to boost growth of their online sales.

8. Started newsletter activities
Sony newsletter
Philips newsletter

Тема следующего поста: "Зачем мы в сети набираем френдов, тщеславия ради или общения".